What is threaded bar, how is it made, and where can I buy it?
With over 40 years of experience within the team here at Fusion Fixings, we know that the number of different fixings and fasteners on the market is staggering.
With regards Threaded Bar, our aim is to hold a great and growing selection in stock to meet the needs of our customers quickly, but what is Threaded bar and how can it be made?
Threaded bar is also known by a few other names including threaded rod or studding. The threaded bar is usually used in the building trade, general maintenance, and plumbing industries. These are common areas in which the bar is used but can be supplied in many different sizes and used across multiple industries, including art installations and bespoke clock making.
Simply put, threaded bar is a metal bar which has a thread running along its full length. The thread can vary to suit numerous requirements, as can the material it’s manufactured from. At the time of writing this the threaded bar at Fusion Fixings is supplied in A2 stainless steel, bright zinc plated (BZP), and brass. All offering certain levels of resistance to corrosion, an important factor with regards the threaded bar, as it is often used in the construction industries where environmental conditions are an important aspect.
The threading along the whole length of the bar allows for the use of bolts and other types of fixings to be attached to the bar making it very versatile. Its ability to be cut to a custom length is another attribute that sees the bar used across numerous industries. In addition to this, the threaded bar can also be attached to other bars with the use of connector nuts.
It’s always advised to ensure that when using bolts, nuts and other fasteners with the threaded bar, those items are made of the same material at the threaded bar.
How is Threaded Bar made?
Threaded bar is generally made from rolls of round bar at the specific diameter and grade needed for the product. The standard threaded bar is generally mass produced and involves passing the rolls of round bar through two hardened steel rollers. This then imprints the thread onto the bar and cuts it to the required lengths.
Thicker and nonstandard threaded bar is usually made via a cutting process where the bar is cut to a slightly longer length then required. This is also passed through a machine that then cuts the thread and the rod to the desired length.
The Threaded Bar process in action
See the threaded bar process in action. This is not necessarily how all threaded bar is made but is a good illustration.
Where can I buy Threaded Bar?
Fusion fixings has a growing range of Threaded Bar in stock at competitive prices. Supplied in A2 stainless steel, steel with a bright zinc plating and brass, with UNF and UNC threads.
Shop our range of threaded bar
Threaded bar available in numerous diameters!